Well friends, I graduated college.
What a weird phase of life, ain't it? Some might call it liberating. Freedom in your wallet, freedom of how you spend your time, freedom of what you work on, freedom to actually make money, freedom to begin a new life as many times as you want to.
But some (me) may call it terrifying.
Fighting for interviews & jobs, being trapped in a cubicle for 8 hours of your life everyday, paying for every set of contacts/car insurance bill/dentist appointment sounds kind of scary. Even worse, I have no certainty about anything that is to come. Ooof.
So, I am finding it to be mega important to reflect on the month of May because looking at the photos from this month combat every fear I may face.
Coming into college, everything was unknown. I wasn't sure if I would be okay, in the same way I currently look at job searching and doubt I will be okay. And yet, God in His ridiculous providence/love/care for me wove my college years into a fabric of beautifully abundant blessings.
I met friends who know the depth of my soul, I jumped into scary roles and overcame fears of public speaking/singing, I completed a thesis, I completed internships, I met the best guy ever (he stuck around + is my best friend + I get to date him), overcame crippling anxiety, fell in love with Jesus and the sacraments, and have met the best role models and great humans. God weaves beauty and the fulfillment of desires into the fabric of the unknowns if we hand over the needles and say "Have at it. You know what's best."
These photos plant a seed in my soul, growing the confidence that if God's taken every desire of my heart and blown it out of the water, He will continue to do so. Although it is mildly terrifying to hand over control and "knowing" what is to come, if I hand it over (even while being scared) He will be faithful again
and again
and again.
So here it is, y'all.
Thanks for tuning in to this eclectic compilation of boxes of joy.
As a wise man once said to me yesterday, "Hang in there, buddy". It's going to be a good ride.